CC-SW Community Outreach Program

February 12th, 2025 by Fenny Setiadinata

We love making a difference in our community! Last month, our very own engineer, Paul Thomas, led seven Arrow of Light Cub Scouts (5th graders) from our local Miamisburg Pack 248 to participate in an Engineering Elective Adventure where they learned about different types of engineers. CC-SW provided 7 Raspberry Pi kits and 4 gently used monitors for this event. Paul provided each Scout with a keyboard and mouse kit, power strip, additional cables, and an extra SD card. The goal each year is to provide each Scout with a complete computer setup.

The Scouts were able to assemble their Raspberry PI kits and then learn how to program a few simple lines of Python code. Later on, the Scouts programmed in Scratch and then were able to utilize the extra SD card to run Recalbox and transform their PI into a retro console gaming system. Stay tuned for our next Engineering Adventure with the Cub Scouts!