
In the previous blog post, I started sharing tips and techniques for Semgrep rules. I continue that here in the final installment of my six part blog series, sharing some of the most helpful techniques I learned to decrease false positives in my Semgrep rules. Most often, whenever we run a Semgrep scan, we need… » Read More
In this fifth post of my six part blog series, I will be starting to share techniques and tips that I found helpful for writing Semgrep rules for finding vulnerabilities. The previous post discussed the organization of queries and connecting data flows. The motivation is that while CodeQL excels in analyzing codebases with source code… » Read More
In this fourth post of my six part blog series, I look to share some of the most helpful techniques I learned while writing CodeQL queries as a security engineer. In the last blog post, I provided tips on how to improve the generalizability of the queries by adding custom function identification classes, and how… » Read More
This is the third post of a six part blog series where I cover the use of CodeQL and Semgrep in bug-hunting. In the previous installments of the series, I provided examples of custom queries and rules that identify CVEs in open-source libraries. In this section, I will be diving deeper into CodeQL, specifically how… » Read More
In the first blog post, I provided examples of a broadly generalizable bug query (written in both CodeQL and Semgrep) that were able to identify previously-known integer overflows CVEs across libraries such as libcurl, json-c, and libexpat. For that example, its simple construction and ability to operate across multiple codebases showcases the potential for CodeQL… » Read More